Understanding commercial plumbing insurance coverages.
Business insurance companies provide plumber’s insurance in different ways, including as separate policies for different risks. At THREE, our all-in-one-coverage combines several types of insurance for plumbers into a single, comprehensive policy
In fact, small businesses won’t find more coverage in a single policy from any other provider. We cover claims resulting from a wide range of incidents, including:
Employee injuries
Imagine your employee is working in a client’s basement. They slip, fall, and break their wrist. Workers’ Compensation insurance is offered in a THREE policy and can pay for employee costs related to injuries, including medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and even a portion of lost wages during recovery. If a worker dies on the job, their family can receive a death benefit. Workers' Compensation coverage is not just good for employees, it also protects owners from unexpected costs and is required in many states for businesses with employees.
Professional Liability insurance—also called Errors & Omissions insurance (or E&O for short)—is included in a THREE policy. E&O insurance can pay costs related to honest mistakes that cause financial harm to a client. Let’s say you install a plumbing system and accidentally misalign one of the pipes, causing a leak that damages the client’s bathroom walls and floor, and the client sues. Your Professional Liability insurance can cover court-awarded damages, settlements, and the cost of your legal defense.
Theft of business property
This feature of your THREE policy can provide payment if someone steals company property. For example, if you arrive at your storage warehouse one morning and find someone has broken in and taken all of your tools and equipment. That loss can be covered.
Property damage
Lightning strikes a tree on your property and the flames spread to your office building. In a scenario like this, the Property insurance in your comprehensive policy can pay to repair the structure and repair or replace the damaged furniture and office equipment.
Employee theft
Despite your best efforts to hire honest people, theft can happen. If one of your employees working at a client’s home steals a valuable piece of jewelry, Employee Theft coverage can pay related costs.
Commercial auto damage and liability
Commercial Auto insurance covers vehicles your company owns or leases. It can pay related costs if someone driving your vehicle is at fault in an accident and the other party sues. It can also pay to repair damage to your vehicles from accidents, vandalism, or other covered incidents.
It seems like the threat of cyberattacks is continually growing. To combat it, business owners have to do what they can to protect their computer networks and devices. Still, you can’t completely eliminate the risk of someone gaining unauthorized access to your systems, stealing sensitive information, and using it to commit fraud. Cyber insurance in a THREE policy can pay specified costs related to a cyberattack.