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Restaurant Business Insurance

Get comprehensive insurance for your restaurant business.

THREE by Berkshire Hathaway makes restaurant business insurance easy. Our comprehensive policy protects your employees, property, and operations from unique risks restaurant businesses face.

THREE is designed to grow with your business. So if you decide to launch a delivery service, branch into catering or start bartending, give us a quick call and we’ll update your coverage. No additional policies needed.

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THREE protects your entire restaurant business

Side view of chef assembling sandwiches in commercial kitchen

The restaurant & food service industry reports the highest number of burns of any employment sector.

Protect your People

Workers Compensation

Kitchen safety is essential for your restaurant business. Whether it is knife lacerations or burns from hot oil, injuries are common, and will lead to claims that cost you time, money, and put your employees out of work. Workers’ compensation Insurance helps pay bills associated with a work-related injury, including medical care and lost wages. It’s almost always required by law if you have employees.

THREE’s insurance policy for restaurants automatically includes Workers’ Compensation - to make sure your business and your employees are protected.

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Worried restaurant worker talking to her manager

The restaurant industry has more sexual harassment claims than any other industry.

Employment Practices Liability

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Workers’ Compensation can protect against medical bills and lost wages from workplace injuries. But to protect your business from allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination by coworkers, or wrongful termination claims, you will need Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI).

Most restaurant or bar owners may not realize that coverage for claims made against them by employees are not typically covered under General Liability, and going without EPLI can be a costly decision.

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Firefighter standing outside of restaurant looking at the aftermath of a fire

There is an average of 8,240 restaurant fires reported across the U.S. per year.

Protect your Property

property Insurance

When it comes to owning a restaurant, anything from a grease fire to a natural disaster can throw your business into a state of turmoil. Being unable to serve customers because of damage from a flood, or because of food spoilage after a power outage, can be costly to your business and your reputation.

THREE’s Property Insurance provides financial protection against the hefty repair bills and restoration expense, and covers the cost of business interruption if you have to briefly shut down.

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Two men in a bar fighting while another man tries to hold one back

of small businesses were the target of a Cyberattack in 2021.

Protect your Operations

Liquor Liability and Cyber Liability Insurance

One of your intoxicated customers gets into a fight and injures another diner while at your restaurant. Or a hacker gets unauthorized access to the network supporting your payments, and cardholder and card information is leaked. Risk is always on the menu for restaurant businesses and having both Liquor Liability and Cyber Liability coverage automatically included in a THREE policy keeps your business protected against these potential risks.

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What are our customers saying?

THREE Insurance for ease & savings

The whole process was very quick and easy. I performed a Google search for the coverage I was needing and THREE popped up. I read some reviews and felt confident in the choice. The application was very easy to complete and asked really great questions. The following morning Katie J called me and we broke everything down. I’m pleased with the coverage that I was able to get with THREE and the premium is extremely manageable. I am very pleased with my choice in THREE and I look forward to a long relationship with this company.

5 stars

Marlena H. | Restaurant Owner from Kansas

Great service

Very supportive and helpful, great customer service

5 stars

Quanda M. | Bartender from North Carolina

Easy and affordable coverage

Wonderful customer service and easy to understand and get coverage that you need. Affordable as well.

5 stars

Christa M. | Bartender from Oklahoma

Getting insurance with THREE is fast, easy, and painless

I had a wonderful experience getting our insurance through THREE. An agent helped me with answering the application questions and took the time to explain things. I got my quote right away. I like the easy to read 3 pages that explain coverage. I like that THREE covers all 3 types of insurance in one policy. Another agent helped me the second day to complete the enrollment process. Both  were professional and courteous.

5 stars

Jeannie P. | Family Restaurant Owner from California

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All-in-one coverage for your restaurant businesses

Watch our 60 second video to learn more.

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