Beauty Salons
Looks can be deceiving. If anyone knows that, it’s you. A day spa may appear to be the picture of serenity, but it too can fall victim to any number of risks—from personal injury to professional liability to property damage. There’s no doubt, the beauty business can get ugly.
THREE was created to help you better manage inherent risk and seize opportunities when they present themselves. So, if you decide to start renting booths, begin selling your favorite products, feature a scotch and shave combo, launch a beauty blog or just about anything else you can think of, give us a quick call and we’ll update your account.
The best laid plans
No matter how great an idea or perfect a plan, so much remains out of your control. That’s why THREE was designed to provide the kind of comprehensive coverage necessary to protect your operations, your people and your property, so you can keep your business going and growing.
Your Operations
You use premium products and hire top notch people. You’ve created a relaxing oasis that has earned you a loyal clientele who come for the experience as much as the service. But just because you do everything right, doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong.
41% of salon workers do not carry professional liability insurance.

We must do an average of 200 shampoos a week. A little shampoo, a little conditioner, a little scalp massage, customers love it. A few weeks ago, a woman got up after her shampoo and slipped on a wet spot on the floor—feet flew right out from under her and she hit her head on the tile. Exactly one week later, we heard from her lawyer.

Manufacturers of beauty products and hair dyes love to tout how gentle and natural their products are, but in reality, they are tubes of chemicals. We had a woman come in recently for color, turns out she was allergic to the product and ended up with some serious burns. Since my stylist didn’t follow the directions to the letter—and test on a small area first—we’re liable.

I never thought too much about cyber security, I mean it’s not like we’re storing state secrets or anything. But we are storing our customers’ credit card numbers. Suffice it to say, when we got hacked last year, we were not prepared. We had to upgrade our system, notify our customers and hardest of all, try to make it up to them.
Your People
You’ve got a great location and well-designed shop, but without your people, nothing much matters. Assembling the best team in town wasn’t easy, but now that you’ve got them, you need to protect them. Caution doesn’t guarantee prevention, injuries can happen no matter how careful you are.
44% of nail salon workers surveyed experienced headaches that diminished after leaving work.

Stacy, our best nail artist, is really something. People travel from 30 minutes away just to have her do their nails. But I guess you’d call her a victim of her own success. With her schedule so full she developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Even with extra breaks and physical therapy it got so bad she needed surgery.

I had this barber who was really good. With hair. With people it was another story. He was sort of a jerk. I run a premium shop. Men like to come in, have a craft beer or scotch and maybe talk some sports. Got to the point that the regulars weren’t just avoiding him, they were avoiding his shifts. I had to let him go. Meanwhile he hires a lawyer and claims “wrongful termination?”

A customer had an appointment for a color, trim and blow out. Shows up with her dog. We don’t allow dogs, but since she was already here I made a one-time exception. Everything was fine until the dog started playing with a roller on the floor. My other stylist didn’t see him. He got underfoot and she tripped, stumbled and burnt her hand pretty badly on a curling iron.
Your Property
Fire? Flood? Storm damage? So much can happen. And when it does, the damage to your location and equipment can be catastrophic. The right coverage can mean the difference between “Closed for Renovations” and just plain “Closed.”
40% of businesses fail to reopen after a disaster.

About 6 months ago we had a break in. They got into the safe and took all our cash—not that there was much to take. They also took a couple thousand dollars worth of equipment. The craziest part was, they tried to steal an entire backwash system—but it got stuck in the doorway.

Water Damage
It was the first big storm after we moved into our new location. The drain in the parking lot got clogged. Actually, blocked by a plastic tarp that blew over. The water flooded under our door and kept coming. By the time I came in the floors were buckled, the bottom 6 inches of the walls were soggy and the furniture in the waiting area was ruined.

Temporary Closure
When the water main broke we thought we were lucky. Located uphill from the flood, our shop escaped unscathed. When we turned the faucet on and nothing came out we figured the town had shut the water off. So, we closed early. By the next day, the entire floor was ruined. The sink had been left on and the drain was clogged. It overflowed. For 21 hours.

From two-tone highlights to perfect pedicures
You spend your days making your clients look good. So do we, but in a different way. When one of our policyholders is faced with a situation—anything from a flood to a fire to a lawsuit—we work with them to minimize business interruptions. That could mean providing legal counsel, a restoration service, or a cyber coach to guide you through a breach.
THREE provides comprehensive coverage for:
- Barber Shops
- Beauticians
- Beauty Salons
- Cosmetology Services
- Day Spas
- Estheticians
- Hair Salons
- Hair Stylists
- Nail Salons
- Nail Technician Services
Small business coverage then.

Small business coverage now.

Questions? Speak with a THREE Small Business Advisor.
Call 1-800-507-4495
An ounce of prevention
The best way to protect your business is to educate your staff to help prevent risky situations to begin with. In addition to online training tools, THREE offers these convenient posters that you can print out and start using right now.