Slips and falls. Client dissatisfaction. Cybercrime. Property damage. Workers’ Comp. If anyone understands the many, many, many risks faced by a small business, it’s you. As a member of the insurance industry you know as well as anyone the consequences of operating without the proper insurance.
THREE was created to give you the freedom to accept new opportunities without accepting unnecessary risk. So, if you’d like to expand your business to include retirement planning, branch into investment management, move from personal to commercial (or vice versa), host a workshop or just about anything else you can think of, give us a quick call and we’ll update your account.
The best laid plans
No matter how great an idea or perfect a plan, so much remains out of your control. That’s why THREE was designed to provide the kind of comprehensive coverage necessary to protect your operations, your people and your property, so you can keep your business going and growing.
Your Operations
You know your clients, their hopes, their dreams, their families and their businesses. And more importantly they know they can count on you. For honest answers, expert guidance and prompt attention. They know that if things go wrong, you’ll be there for them.
60% of businesses say regulatory accountability impacts their decision-making process.

#1 Hazard
One day about six months ago I had a couple of people out at meetings and one out sick. I was working in the back and my 2 agents were on the phone when it started to rain. Before anyone had a chance to put the mats down, a client came in for an appointment. She promptly slipped and hit her head. The floor wasn’t even wet, but her shoes were.

Last summer when our office got infected with some sort of virus, my tech guy said we were “lucky.” I understand it could have been far worse, but we weren’t allowed to access the network for 3 days. It definitely cost me at least one new account and made a bad impression a number of prospects and several clients.

We try to do right by our clients—help them get the coverage they need without paying more than they should. One of our clients, a restaurant, expanded into catering. It wasn’t until a situation arose that we all realized there was a gap in their coverage–they weren’t covered for offsite alcohol service. Now they’re suing us to recoup their losses.
Your People
Insurance may be a product, but your business is all about your people. Whether it’s a personal connection with a client, assessing the damage after a storm or working out contingency plans with a client, your people are your business. Which is why protecting them is job one.
The #1 influencer on harassment is workplace culture.

The fees on our 401(k) seemed kind of high. Our HR director did some research and found switching providers could save everyone 1.5%/year. Problem is, the day everyone’s plan moved, the market was down, so on paper it looked like a huge loss. One of my employees who’s around 60 panicked and got a lawyer. Accused us of stealing her retirement.

There was a big storm a few months ago. Trees down, power outages, roads flooded, it was something. My roof looked like it might be damaged, one of my agents who spent his summers working construction straight through college offered to take a look. I should have known better. He lost his footing and slipped. Two weeks in the hospital and another four at home.
Your Property
While it’s true that your people make your business, let’s face it, property can be really, really expensive. The car you drive to inspect a claim? The office space? The equipment? Sure, there’s nothing that can’t be replaced—if you can afford it.
86% of IT practitioners report someone in their organization having a laptop lost or stolen.

Claims assessments are usually routine, sometimes they can be dangerous. Occasionally, they’re both. Not long ago one of my adjusters went out to a client’s house to assess some water damage. She was just turning the corner to their house when a dog ran out in front of her. She swerved to avoid it and slammed into a garbage truck. She was okay, but my van was totaled.

We’re not a tech firm with high end equipment and we don’t keep cash in the office, I don’t know why anyone would bother breaking in here, but they did. Last year, someone smashed a window and made off with all our laptops. The newest was probably a year old, not much resale value. But all our records and emails and contacts…it was a mess.

From actuaries to adjusters
Whether you’re crunching numbers, surveying damage or putting together a proposal, your clients trust you to make sure they are properly protected. But just as airline flight crews advise putting on your oxygen mask before helping others, you need make sure your business has the coverage it needs.
THREE provides comprehensive coverage for:
- Actuarial Services & Consulting
- Claims Adjuster
- Insurance Agencies
- Insurance Brokerages
- Insurance Companies
- Reinsurance Companies
- Public Adjuster
Small business coverage then.

Small business coverage now.

Questions? Speak with a THREE Small Business Advisor.
Call 1-800-507-4495
An ounce of prevention
The best way to protect your business is to educate your staff to help prevent risky situations to begin with. In addition to online training tools, THREE offers these convenient posters that you can print out and start using right now.